2. Writing a paragraph
2. Writing a paragraph
Rivera Ramírez Andrea Teammates: Becerra Tsutsumi Kyoshi
Esquinca Ruiz Marco
Dávila Mariana
Serrano Paulina
H. Luz Diana Carolina
Valdez Guerrero Sofía
Vega Benito Britany Kaory
I always try to keep a healthy lifestyle, and even
though these last months has been hard for me, I try my best, so yeah, I have a
healthy lifestyle.
To be healthy I take care of many parts of my life: I
usually sleep 9 hours, sometimes 8 or 10; I drink enough water through the
course of the day and I’m aware of my personal hygiene. Also, I’m so careful
about the food that I eat, I avoid sugar and fatty foods (such as fried
dishes), and I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. The final thing that I do is
physical activity (yoga and exercise), usually I do it 3 or 5 days each week,
but that depends on the energy and motivation that I have.
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